Are you frustrated that your child is not reaching his/her true potential?
Do you know your child is capable of much more?
Does it drive you nuts that doctors and specialist can’t tell you why (root cause)
your child is struggling and how to best help them reach their true potential?
When my son was 3 years old, doctors and specialist just told me what I already knew: “Your son has speech issues, take him to a speech thereapist.” Then when we went to speech therapy, the speech therapist couldn’t tell me why my son was struggling or how long he would have to go to speech therapy.
I also did not see the results I wanted to see and was very frustrated. The specialist told me: “Your son has social skills issues, put him in a social skills class.” I couldn’t find a social skills class that was a good fit for my son, that would teach my son how to be social or that could tell me why my son had these issues.
The assessment people told me, “Your son has developmental delays, put him in a special class at school.” Again, I already knew all these things. What I didn’t know was why (the root cause) or the how to best help my son at home.
After 20 years of researching, spending $100,000’s+ on degrees, certifications, courses, reading 10000’s+ books, being trained in 100’s+ approaches and therapies, having a photographic memory and able to think outside the box, I was able to help all three of my children out of special needs.
I then started working in public and private schools, privately in families homes and have now helped over 1000’s+ families and their children. I have developed a very Eye Opening Assessment that will let you know the WHY your child is struggling. I then will individualize a specific home program just for your child and you will see results within days.
Non verbal children talk in as little as 2 days.
Children have better behavior in as little as 2 weeks, potty train and even read in as little as 4 weeks and Breakthrough social, sensory and speech barriers in as little as 3 to 6 months (Yes, Autism, Bipolar, ADD, Auditory and Developmental delays to name a few).
I am here to help you better understand your child’s behavior, get to the root cause of issues and struggles, and give you a life changing, easy to do, home program as well as offer tons of support from me.
Becky’s mission is to help millions of families help their children.Your child will make huge gains quickly. You will learn a new way of looking at stress, behavior, and much more. This is life changing, paradigm shifting information. One thing all Becky’s families say is that the information they learn from Becky makes tons of sense, is easy to understand and that they feel so much happier knowing how to best help their child.
Becky spent $100,000’s+ and now is sharing the best of the best with you and your child. She has been working with children using her approach for over 15 years with great success.
Becky will do all the work for you in your home or/and at your child’s school. Your child will get the Eye Opening Assessment, Life Changing Home Program activity and systems created to help your child reach his/her true potential, video of results and activities and tons of support from me for 3 months, by phone, email, online, Skype and in person.
Your child will get the Online Eye Opening Assessment, Life Changing Home Program, which includes 1 video of results (which we will go over via Skype).
Plus 1 video with home activities and tons of support from me for 1 month, by phone, email, online, Skype.
If needed, you can also pay by using a payment plan. You can upgrade to any other package at anytime. If you need more information to help you make the decision for this life changing opportunity and investment in your child’s future, please go to Contact and fill out the short questionnaire. Becky Blake will then contact you to see when is the best time to talk to get all your questions answered.