Learn what may be stopping your child from reaching his/her true potential. Discover some sure-fire tips to best help your child that can be used right away!
Learn how to look at behavior differently, in order to truly understand and better work with your child.
In this talk you will learn:
Learn why your energy, focus and moods are low. Leave this talk with the keys to feel more energy, get a clearer focus and know how you can get more out of life.
This talk is ideal for people who have great ideas and want to create change in the world but are stuck with barely enough energy to make it through the day.
Becky is able to get non-verbal children to speak in 2 days, better speech and verbal skills in 2 weeks, speaking in complete sentences and much more. She uses several different strategies that are unique to her method.
After listening to this talk you will able to use the same strategies Becky does to help improve your child’s verbal skills.
Learn how in 5 easy steps, you can break through all of these issues and start leading the life you know you were meant to live! The methods shared in this talk are neuro scientifically based so if you have a brain, a body and a nervous system, this will work for you!
In this talk you will learn several activities that are needed in order to strengthen and integrate the eyes, brain and body. You will also learn the 3 learning styles and how to tell which one your child uses to help your child learn easier, not harder!
This huge piece seemed (and still seems) to be an issue with my own children and I continue to work with them on their social skills. After listening to this talk, you will know what is causing social issues in your child and get the 5 keys to unlock the better friend in your child.
The Creating Super Kids series has tons of relevant content, useful tools, and strategies that can be used right away. I give away tons of information as it is my mission to help millions of families help their children. From better behavior, to reading, social skills, math and science, this series has options to help you help your child.
Buy this book today and get renewed hope and a new way to look at all behavior, to finally understand the root cause, the WHAT and WHY. Stop struggling and understand how to best help, what to truly focus on in order to create the gains you want to achieve. This is written by a mom with children with special needs that also has special needs herself (sensory, learning disabilities, food issues).
Little to no language.
2 days a week, 2 1/2 hours a day working with Becky. Afterwards she spoke in complete sentences in Vietnamese and in English! Went to high achieving parochial school.
Super Kid! Leader in public education classroom, talks up a storm, is a great friend, cares about others feelings, is helping other kids to talk, socialize, and learn to play!
Look at those eyes! They are both looking at you! There was definitely a vision issue here. He is playing nice with other kids, using his words instead of his fists, even was able to get a hamster at home.
Neuro Typical Child Rigid, needed to do everything herself, slow processing speed, transitions were hard, not yet potty trained.
Great Kid! Empathetic, great thinker, loves art, friends, playing, leader, go getter!
Collection of testimonials from happy clients.