Tips to get your child to stop screaming & start talking

Find out what you need to do when your child whines, screams or cries. I’ll show you in this video how to teach your child to stop screaming and start talking. It’s simple and it works!
4 Great Sources of Non-Dairy Calcium

I get parents asking me all of the time “What are some good alternatives to dairy? Lots of you have kids or family members who are either vegan, lactose intolerant, or just don’t like dairy products It can be tough to get all the calcium…
Certainty vs Uncertainty

I have had the great fortune to mentor with and even meet Tony Robbins. His information helped me through many rough times by teaching me many life changing ideas. Here is a little something from Tony I wanted to share with you. Now that we’ve…
Understanding Autism: How Autism is a stress related disorder

Day 1 of Becky Blake explains how Autism is a stress-related disorder If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email:
Understanding Autism: How Stress Causes Sensory Overload

In 1990 Autism affected one in 10,000 children. Now in 2014 it affects one in 68 children. This is an epidemic that is getting worse not better. In this video Becky explains how stress causes sensory overload in children with Autism. Becky Blake has a…